A young man trying to solve the puzzle of his father’s last moments rattles the life of a quiet town and unburies unwanted truths. His compulsive quest becomes a downward spiral of love, lust and lies.

Dialogue editor: Dumitru Alexandru

Horse Power

Horse Power

Heads and Tails/Cap si Pajura

Heads and Tails/Cap si Pajura

Closer to the Moon

Closer to the Moon

The King’s War

The King’s War





The Best Customer/Cel mai Bun Client

The Best Customer/Cel mai Bun Client

Superman, Spiderman or Batman

Superman, Spiderman or Batman

The Secret of Happiness/Secretul Fericirii

The Secret of Happiness/Secretul Fericirii

Dopul Scuza Mijloacele

Dopul Scuza Mijloacele

Tales from the Golden Age/Amintiri in Epoca de Aur

Tales from the Golden Age/Amintiri in Epoca de Aur



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