Ema is the successful TV anchor of a national TV broadcaster, the star of a popular tabloid show. A perfectionist, she has no hesitation in putting at steak her health or money for higher ratings.

Re-recording mixer: Florin Tabacaru

Sound editor: Dumitru Alexandru


Buna! Ce faci?/Hello! How are you?

Buna! Ce faci?/Hello! How are you?



The Best Customer/Cel mai Bun Client

The Best Customer/Cel mai Bun Client

Dacii Liberi

Dacii Liberi

Copacul Dorintelor: Amintiri din Copilarie

Copacul Dorintelor: Amintiri din Copilarie

The Walk/Plimbare

The Walk/Plimbare

Minte-mã frumos în Centrul Vechi

Minte-mã frumos în Centrul Vechi

The King’s War

The King’s War

The Chosen One/Cel ales

The Chosen One/Cel ales



Doing Money

Doing Money

The Rest is Silence/Restul e tacere

The Rest is Silence/Restul e tacere

Reach Out

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