filmography 7 Our award winning work is recognised internationally Awards Awards Awards All#dogpoopgirl2021 The Sentries of the Delta/Strajerii Deltei2021 Copacul Dorintelor: Amintiri din Copilarie2021 Lebensdorf2021 Between Two Dawns2021 Marocco2021 Man and Dog2021 Anul dragonului2021 Corijent2020 Berliner2020 Valley of the Blind/Valea Orbilor2019 Heads and Tails/Cap si Pajura2019 Marona’s Fantastic Tale2019 Ivana the Terrible/Ivana cea Groaznica2019 Legacy/Urma2019 Daydream/Practica2019 Between Pain and Amen2019 The Soviet Garden2019 Saf2018 Doing Money2018 The Secret of Happiness/Secretul Fericirii2018 One and a Half Prince2018 The Man Who Surprised Everyone2018 Dacii Liberi2018 Maria Inima Romaniei2018 Timebox2018 Blana2017 Forevers2017 The Best Customer/Cel mai Bun Client2017 Soldiers: Story from Ferentari/Soldatii: Poveste din Ferentari2017 Perfect Health/Perfect Sanatos2017 Cine a ucis Craciunul?/Frozen Ignat2017 Perseids2017 The Wanderers: The Quest of the Demon Hunter2017 Marita2017 Breaking News2017 Hawaii2017 Three Way Week2016 Finale2016 Minte-mã frumos în Centrul Vechi2016 By the Rails2016 The King’s War2016 6.9 on the Richter Scale2016 Tibi2015 Umbre/Shadows2015 Vera2015 10 Hours2015 Ramona2015 Dopul Scuza Mijloacele2015 Why Me?/De ce eu?2015 The Chosen One/Cel ales2015 Back Home/Acasa la tata2015 2015 Tibi2015 YouTube Bazaar2015 Bucharest Non Stop2015 Box2015 Orizont2015 Armânii2015 Kowalski2014 Ela, Panda & Madame2014 The Birdman/Omul pasare2014 Rusty Steel2014 Bomberman2014 Trading Germans/Pasaport de Germania2014 Closer to the Moon2014 Nightfall in India2014 Excursie2014 Horse Power2014 Kira Kiralina/Kyra Kyralina2014 Art2014 Cuscrii2014 Kazimir2014 Alt Love Building2014 The Unsaved/La limita de jos a cerului2013 Roxanne2013 The Walk/Plimbare2013 12 Minutes2013 The Cement Mixer/Betoniera2013 I’m Not Famous But I’m Aromanian2013 Quod Erat Demonstrandum2013 Déjà Vu2013 Another Christmas/Un alt Craciun2012 Pastila fericirii2012 Agon2012 Gone Wild2012 Somewhere in Palilula/Undeva la Palilula2012 Another Christmas/Un alt Craciun2012 Of Snails and Men/Despre Oameni si Melci2012 Chefu’/House Party2012 Vaca finlandezã/The Finnish Cow2012 Jaful2011 Ursul2011 Superman, Spiderman or Batman2011 Teodora the Sinner/Pacatoasa Teodora2011 Killing Time2011 Loverboy2011 Contra timp 22010 Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier/If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle2010 Colivia2010 Metrobranding2010 Luna verde2010 Buna! Ce faci?/Hello! How are you?2010 Red Gloves/Manusi Rosii2010 Outbound/Periferic2010 La bani, la cap, la oase2010 Tales from the Golden Age/Amintiri in Epoca de Aur2009 The Childhood of Icarus2009 The Yellow Smiley Face/Fata galbena care rade2008 Gruber’s Journey2008 Contra timp2008 Danut pleaca pe vapor2008 The Rest is Silence/Restul e tacere2007 Tache2007 Reach Out Mesaj din website Name Email Address Message 6 + 14 = Submit